About Us
Owners Tricia and Randy Farina are the exclusive importers of the Taos Twist® cutlery from a charming village in Thailand. They have used their combined experiences in the fields of travel, hospitality and sales to create the outstanding reputation it enjoys today.
Taos, New Mexico is a beautiful all season resort town tucked into the Sange de Cristo Mountains, at the southern tip of the Rocky Mountains. Taos offers a diverse blend of lifestyles ranging from farming to traditional Pueblo ceremonies, to an artists mecca. Recreational activities abound with everything from skiing, river rafting, mountain biking and fly fishing, to more mind and soul activities such as music, art, yoga, Tai Chi and natures Spiritual gifts. A magical place to live and work!
Similarly, in a small village in Thailand the towns people also enjoy a diverse blend of farming, work and family. When they are not tending their crops or celebrating family events, they work together, using blacksmithing techniques to hand craft our wonderful flatware. The steel is handheld with tongs over a fire pit and then hammered into different shapes. They have enormous artistic skills and lives full of their family and village. They are extremely proud of their creations. The workers feel they are artisans more than laborers.
Remarkable. Extraordinary. Truly unique. Those are the kind of comments we hear regularly from our customers. Just check out our testimonials from our happy customers. Frankly, that is all we have…happy customers!